Congress Presentation

Congress Presentation


Puddu,M., Clark,A., Fusar Poli, F., Martín, V. 2024. First acoustic recordings of Killer whales (Orcinus orca) encountered in the Canary Archipelago. Conference: European Cetacean Society: 35th Annual Conference, Catania, Italy, 10th-12th April 2024.

Muñoz,N., Fusar Poli, F., Aliart,S., Alvarez, A., Martín, V. 2024. The importance of the biological collections: an assessment of the Biological Reference Collection of Cetaceans of the Macaronesia (CBRCM). Conference: European Cetacean Society: 35th Annual Conference, Catania, Italy, 10th-12th April 2024.

Carci, C., Fusar Poli, F., Martín, V. 2023. Study of the otoliths in the stomach contents of the Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) in the Canary Archipelago. Conference: European Cetacean Society: 34th Annual Conference, Galicia, Spain, 18th April to 20th April 2023.

Fusar Poli, F., Carrillo,M., Tejedor,M.,Fiorito,C.,Arbelo,M.,Fernández, A., Martín, V. A Blainville´s beaked whale stranded in the Canary islands due to an attack of orcas with a review of the strandings of the species in the archipelago. Conference: European Cetacean Society: 34th Annual Conference, Galicia, Spain, 18th April to 20th April 2023.

Martín, V., Braderlau,B., Berzosa,S.,Fusar Poli,F. Analysis of the population structure of the rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) in the Canary Archipelago. Conference: European Cetacean Society: 34th Annual Conference, Galicia, Spain, 18th April to 20th April 2023.

Schleimer, A., Aguilar, A., Barco, S. G., Degollada E., Berrow, S., Bloch, D., Borrell, A., Fossi, C., Gauffier, P., Hao, W., Heide-Jørgensen, M., Kovacs, K.M., Landry, S., Larsen, F., Martín, V., Michaud, R., Mikkelsen, B., Øien, N., Pampoulie, C., Panigada, S., Prieto, R., Raga, J.A., Ramp, C., Rivera-Leon, V, Robbins, J., Ryan, C., Sears, R., Silva, M., Urbán, J., Víkingsson, G, Wenzel, F., Palsbøll, P.J. Bérubé, M. 2019. Population Structure Characterised by High within Area Relatdness in North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea Fin Whales (Balaenoptera physalus). World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC´19) Barcelona, 7 – 12 de diciembre de 2019.

Onoufriou, A.B., Gabbloti, O., Aguilar de Soto, N., Olsen, M.T., Morin, P.A., Rosso, M., Merel, D., Davison, N., Anderson, M., Baird, R.W., Baker, C.S., Berrow, S., Burns, D., Claridge, D., Constantine, R., Covelo, P., Demaret, F., Dines, J., Dólar, L., Duras, M., Durban, J., Alexandros, F., Freitas, L., Genty, G., Galov, A., Hauser, N., Jepson, P., Karem, D., Martín, V., Mead, J., Mignucci-Giannoni, A., Montano, V., Moulins, A., Olavarria, C., Oremus, M., Perrin, W., Poole, M.M., Potter, C., Rogan, E.2019. Hide and RADseq: Revealing Global Population Structure and Genetic Diversity in Two Enigmatic Beaked Whales. World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC´19) Barcelona, 7 – 12 de diciembre de 2019.

Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Silva, M., Pérez-Jorge, S., Boys, R.M., Goncalves, J., Almeida, D., Berimbau, L., Pérez-Gil, M., Servidio, A., Pérez-Gil, E., Varo, N., Vázquez, J.A., Ipiña, E., Tejera, G., Cañadas, A., Martín, V., Fariñas, A. Meléndez, C., Carrasco, P., Carrillo, M., Auladell Quintana, C., Zabala, R., Cunha, I., Henriques, F., Hunt, W., Gutierrez, E., Saaverda, C., Santos, M.B., Fernández-Maldonado, C., Martín, M.L., Carreira, G.P., Valcarce, P., Carvalho, J.A., Urquiola, E., Freitas, L. 2019. MISTIC SEAS II: designing and Implementing Pilot Monitoring Programmes for Cetaceans in Macaronesic Waters. World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC´19) Barcelona, 7 – 12 de diciembre de 2019.

Hopfer, D.J. Walzer, C., Martín, V. 2019. Creation of an Atlas for Assessment of Skin Disorders in Canary Islands Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis). World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC´19) Barcelona, 7 – 12 de diciembre de 2019.

Suarez-Menéndez, M., Rivera_León, V.E., Schleimer, A., López, X., Aguilar, A., Barco, S.G., Berrow, S., Borrel, A., Bloch, D., Clapham, P.J., Degollada, E., Fossi, M.C., Gauffier, P., Giard, J.,Hao, W., Haug, T., Heide_Jorgensen, M.P., Kovacs, K.M., Landry, S., Larsen, F., Lydersen, C., Martín, V., Matbla, D.K., Mikkersen, B., Oosting, T., Pace, R.M., Pampolie, C., Panigada, S., Panti, C., Prieto, R., Raga, J.A., Ramp, C., Robbins, J., Ryan, C., Sears, R., Sigurjonsson, J., Silva, M.A., Simon, M., DE Stephanis, R., Skraug, H.J., Urbán, J., van Der Zee, J., Verkuil, Y.I., Vikingsson, G.A., Witting, L., Wenzel, F.W., Oien, N., Bérubé, M., Pasboll, P.J. 2019. Heteroplasmy; detection, verification and Recurrence in Baleen Whales. World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC´19) Barcelona, 7 – 12 de diciembre de 2019.

Do Amaral, K.B., Barragan-Barrera, D.C., Mesa-Gutierrez, R., Farías-Curtidor, N., Caballero, S., Mendez-Fernández, P., Santos, M.C.O., Siciliano, S., Rinaldi, R., Martín, V., Carrillo, M., Meirelles, A.C., Franco-Trecu, V., Fagundes, N.J.R., Moreno, I.B., Knowles, L.L., Amaral, A.R. 2019. Population genomics of the Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) Across the Atlantic Ocean. World Marine Mammal Conference (WMMC´19) Barcelona, 7 – 12 de diciembre de 2019.

Molina, C., Tobeña, M., Sambolino, A., Hartman, K., Fernández, M., Aguilar, N., Alves, F., Martín, V., Dinis, A., 2018. Large-scale movements of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) (NE Atlantic): dolphins with an international playground. European Cetacean Society, 32 conferencia La Espezia, Italia, 6-10 abril de 2018.

Alves, F., Alessandrini, A., servidio, A., Mendoca, A.S., Fernández, M., Hartman, K.L., Prieto, R., Dinis, A., Martín, V., Silva, M., Aguilar, N. 2018. Biogeographical patterns of short-finned pilot whales in the Norhteast Atlantic: in the search of an optimal habitat. European Cetacean Society, 32 conferencia La Espezia, Italia, 6-10 abril de 2018.

Servidio, A., Pérez-Gil, M., Pérez-Gil, E., Martín, V., Cañadas, A., Hammond, P. 2018. Short-finned pilot whale in the Canary Islands, Spain: the complete picture. European Cetacean Society, 32 conferencia La Espezia, Italia, 6-10 abril de 2018.

Do Amaral, K.B., Wl Arbi, N., Ilha, E., Barragán-Barrera, D.C., Farias-Curtidor, N., Caballero, S., Méndez_Fernández, P., Santos, M.C.O., Siciliano, S., Carrillo, M., Meirelles, A.C., Fagundes, N., Moreno., I.B., Martín, V., Amaral, A. 2017. Insigths into the population structure of Atlantic Spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) (Cuvier, 1829) based don mtDNA analysis. 22nd Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. October 22-27, 2017. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Rivero, M., Tejedor, M., Arbelo, M., Martín, V., Carrillo, M., Rodríguez, A. 2017. Morphometric and osteometric analyses of the skeleton of Koguiidae specimens stranded in the Canary Islands (1983-2013). 22nd Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. October 22-27, 2017. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Berube, M., Øosting, T., Aguilar, A., Berrows, S., Gauffier, P., Hao, W., Heide-JØrjansen, M.S., Landry, S., Larsen, F., Lydersen, C., Martín, V., Øien, N., Panigada, S., Prieto, R., Ramp., C., Robbin, J., Ryan, C., Sears, R., Silva, M., Vikingsson, G., PalsbØll, J. 2017. Are the “bastards” comming back? Molecular identification of live blue and fin whale hybrids in the North Atlantic Ocean. 22nd Biennial conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. October 22-27, 2017. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.

Arbelo, M., Carrillo, M, Díaz-Delgado, J., Sierra, E., de la Fuente, J., Bernaldo de Quirós, Y., Sacchini, S., García-Álvarez, R., Suárez-Santana, C., Zucca, D., Ramírez, T., Cámara, N., Puíg, R., Tejedor, M., Martín, V., Fernández, A. 2017. Estudio de las causas de muerte de origen antrópico directo en los cetáceos varados en las Islas Canarias (2000-2015). X Congreso de la Sociedad anual de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos (SEC), Valencia, España, 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2017.

Sambolino, A., Tobeña, M., Aguilar de Soto, N., Hartman, K., Fernández, M., Martín, V., Alves, F., Dinis, A. 2017. Evaluación preliminar de la conectividad del delfín mular (Tursiops truncatus) dentro de la región macaronésica (NE Atlántico). X Congreso de la Sociedad anual de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos (SEC), Valencia, España, 29 y 30 de septiembre de 2017.

Amaral, K., Franco-Trecu, X., Barragán-Barrameda, D., Farias-Curtidor, N., Caballero, A., de Meirelles, C., Martín, V., Carrillo, M., Méndez-Fernández, P., Santos, MCO, Siciliano, S., Knowless, L., Fagundes, N., Moreno, I., Amaral, R. 2017. Genetic distinctiveness of Atlantic Spotted dolphins along coastal Brazil. Evolution 2017. 2017 Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), the Society of Systematic Biologists (SSB) and the American Society of Naturalists (ASN). June 23-27 Porland, Oregon.

Martín, V., Pérez, M., Pérez, E., Tejedor, M., Neves, S., Varo, N., Servidio, A., Carrillo, M. 2016. Distribución, comportamiento, tamaño de grupo y apariencia externa del zifio de Gervais (Mesoplodon europaeus) en el archipiélago canario. IX edición del congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, celebrado en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria del 30 de septiembre al 1 de octubre de 2016.

Servidio, A., Pérez-Gil, E., Varo-Cruz, N., Martín, V. 2015. First census in the channel between Canary Islands and Morocco: evidence of a new important cetacean habitat. 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23-25 de marzo de 2015.

Deaville, R., Barber, J., Aguilar, A., Borrell, A., Murphy, S., Barry, J., Brownlow, A., Barnett, J., Berrow, S., Cunningham, A., Davison, N., Esteban, R., Ferreira, M., Foote, A., Genov, T., Giménez, J., Loveridge, J., Llavona, A., Martín, V., Maxwell, D., Papachlimitzou, A., Penrose, R., Perkins, M., Smith, B., de Stephanis, R., Tregenza, N., Verborgh, P., Fernández, A. 2015. Global pollution (PCB) hotspots and European dolphin declines. 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Malta, 23-25 de marzo de 2015.

García, N., Martín, V., Fernández, A., Almunia, J. Xuriach, A., Arbelo, M., Tejedor, M., Boada, L., Luzardo, O. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) levels in blubber biopsies of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) collected in 2003-2011 from the Canary Islands, North Atlantic Ocean. 28Th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liège, Belgium, 5-9 april, 2014.

Arbelo, M., Sierra, E., Bernaldo de Quirós, Y., Sacchini, S., Zucca, D., Delgado, J., Godinho, A., Martín, V., Tejedor, M., García, N., Xuriach, A., de La Fuente, J., Andrada, M., Herráez, P., Espinosa, A., Rodríguez, A., Riveiro, M., Jáber, J. 2010. No mass strandings since sonar ban in Canary Islands (2004-2013). 28Th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liège, Belgium, 5-9 april, 2014.

Papale, E., Gamba, M., Perez-Gil, M., Martín, V., Giacoma, C. 2014. Dolphin species change frequency parameters to compensate for increasing background noise. 28th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liegue, Bélgica, 5-9 de abril de 2014.

Martín, V. 2014. Identificación de las zonas de menor presencia del delfín mular en las zonas de interés acuícola del sureste de Gran Canaria. Jornadas sobre las interacciones de jaulas marinas y las poblaciones de delfín mular. Organizadas por el Área de Agricultura, ganadería, pesca y patrimonio del Cabildo de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2 de octubre de 2014.

Schiavi, A., Aguilar del Soto, N., Reyes, C., Pérez, M., Pérez, E., Tejedor, M., Martín, V. 2014. Inter-islands movements of Blainville´s and Cuvier´s beaked whales in the Canary Islands. Simposio internacional de ciencias del mar, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 11-13 de junio de 2014.

Tejedor, M., Martín, V., Arbelo, M., Espinosa, A. 2013. Reflexiones sobre la estructura esquelética de K. Breviceps en las Islas Canarias. VI edición del congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, celebrado en Tarifa (Cádiz) del 4-6 de octubre de 2013.

Berube, M., Aguilar, A., Simon, B., Andrea, C., Gauffier, P., Heide-Jorgensen, M.M., Martín, V., Øien, N., Oosting, T., Panigada, S., Prieto, R., Ramp, C., Rivera, V., Robbins, J., Ryan, C., Sears, R., Monica, S., Tison, J-L., Verkuil, Y., Vikingsson, G., Wenzel, F., Palsboll, P. 2013. Genetic analyses suggest that the population structure of North Atlantic rorquals are shaped by the same fundamental oceanographic and geological processes. 20Th Biennial conference of the biology of marine mammals, Dunedth, New Zealand, December 9-13.

Tejedor, M., Martín, V. 2013. Colección de referencia de cetáceos de las Islas Canarias: una herramienta para la investigación y conservación de la Macaronesia. VI edición del congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, celebrado en Tarifa (Cádiz) del 4-6 de octubre de 2013.

García-Álvarez, N., Luzardo, O.P., Fernández, A., Martín, V., Arbelo, M., Xuriach, A., Hanna, S., Tejedor, M., Zumbado, M., Boada, L.D. 2013. Contaminantes orgánicos persistentes (COPS) en blubber e hígado de 27 delfines mulares (Tursiops truncatus) en las costas de las Islas Canarias de 1997 a 2011. VI edición del congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, celebrado en Tarifa (Cádiz) del 4-6 de octubre de 2013.

Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Giménez, J., Martín, V., Pérez, M., Tejedor, M., Foote, A., de Stephanis, R. 2013. Utilización de una estrategia multidisciplinar para definir las unidades de gestión de las orcas (Orcinus orca) al sur de España. VI edición del congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, celebrado en Tarifa (Cádiz) del 4-6 de octubre de 2013.

Martín, V., Tejedor, M., Pérez, M., Pérez, E., Ruíz, L., Servidio, A., Varo, N., Urquiola, E. 2013. La Conservación de los Cetáceos en las aguas del oriente de Lanzarote y Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias. VI edición del congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, celebrado en Tarifa (Cádiz) del 4-6 de octubre de 2013.

García, N., Luzardo, O.P., Fernández, A., Martín, V, Arbelo, M., Xuriach, A., Hanna, M.R.S., Tejedor, M., Zumbado, M., Boada, L.D. 2013. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the blubber and liver of 27 Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) stranded along the coasts of Canary Islands from 1997 to 2011. 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 abril de 2013.

Papale E., Pérez-Gil, M., Castrillón J., Pérez-Gil, E., Ruiz L., Tejedor M., Giacoma C., Martín, V. 2013. Chorusing underwater: Atlantic spotted dolphin’s acoustic activity during feeding. 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 abril 2013.

Gauffier, P., Panigada, S.,Aguilar, A., Silva, M., Martín, V., Berrow, S., Prieto, R., Ryan C., Urbán, J., Palsbøll, P.J., Bérubé, M. 2013. North Atlantic origin of Gibraltar fin whales. 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 abril 2013.

Pérez-Gil, M., Steiner, L., Pérez-Gil, E., Tejedor, M., Freitas, L., Martín, V. 2013. The Canary Islands as a strategic area for sperm whales with new photo-identification evidence of regular movements within the Macaronesian archipelagos. Workshop “Towards a largescale collaboration on sperm whale research. 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setúbal, Portugal, 8-10 abril 2013.

Martín, V. 2012. Investigación de las poblaciones de cetáceos del oriente de Fuerteventura y Lanzarote. 12º Conferencia Atlántica de Medio Ambiente. 3 y 4 de mayo de 2012. Centro de Arte Juan Ismael, organizadas por el Cabildo de Fuerteventura y Reserva de la Biosfera de Fuerteventura.

Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Giménez, J., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Arbelo, M., Foote, A., de Stephanis, R. 2012. Using a multi-disciplinary approach to define and assess the conservation unit of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Southern Spain. 20ª ASCOBANS Advisory Committee Meeting AC20/Doc.4.1.1 (O). Warsaw, Poland.

Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Giménez, J., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Arbelo, M., Foote, A., de Stephanis, R. 2012. Utilización de una estrategia multidisciplinar para definir las unidades de gestión de las orcas (Orcinus orca) al sur de España. Sociedad Española de Cetáceos (SEC).

Esteban, R., Verborgh, P., Gauffier, P., Giménez, J., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Arbelo, M., Foote, A., de Stephanis, R. 2012. Using a multi-disciplinary approach to define and assess the conservation unit of killer whales (Orcinus orca) in Southern Spain. 26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland, 26-28 marzo 2012.

Neves, S., Martín, V., Janik, V.M. 2012. Risso’s dolphin acoustic behaviour in Canary Islands. “Risso’s dolphin workshop. 26th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Galway, Ireland, 26-28 marzo 2012.

Pérez-Gil, M., Martín, V., Tejedor, M., Servidio, A., Neves, S., Pérez-Gil, E., Ruiz, L., Brederlau, B. 2011. Agonistic behaviour of Risso´s dolphins towards sperm whales in the SW of Fuerteventura, Canary Islands, with a discussion on trophic competence in cetaceans. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Neves, S.; Martin, V. Janik, V.M. 2011. Risso’s dolphin vocalizations in relation to context in Canary Islands. 19ª Conferencia sobre la biología de los mamíferos marinos. Tampa, Florida, USA.

Pérez-Gil, E., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Castrillón, J., Servidio, A.; S. Neves, Ruiz, L., Reyes, M. y M. Tejedor. 2011. Pygmy and Dwarf sperm whales in the Canary Islands. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Neves, S.; Martin, V., Janik, V.M. 2011. Risso’s dolphin vocalizations in relation to context in Canary Islands. 3er Simposio sobre comunicación animal. Cornell, New York, USA.

Tejedor, M., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Pérez-Gil, E., Ruiz, L., Reyes, M., Servidio, A., Castrillón, J., Brederlau, B., Neves, S. 2011. Importance of oriental Canary Islands as breeding ground for beaked whales, based on sighting and stranding data. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Castrillón, J. Reyes, M. Ruiz, L. Pérez-Gil, E., Brederlau, B., Neves, S., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Servidio, A., Herrero, R., Lucas, T., Urquiola E., Martín, V. 2011. Simultaneous survey of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) in five special areas of conservation in Canary Islands. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Brederlau B., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Pérez-Gil, E., Ruiz, L., Tejedor, M., Neves, S., Servidio, A. 2011. Rorquals feeding ground in oriental Canary Islands. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Ruiz, L., Neves, S., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Pérez-Gil, E., Servidio, A., Reyes, M., Castrillón, J., Brederlau, B. 2011. Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) population characteristics of Canary Islands with an observation on octopus predation. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Martín, V., Reyes, M., Castrillón, J., Ruiz, L., Brederlau, B., Pérez-Gil, E., Neves, S., Pérez-Gil, E., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Servidio, A., Herrero, R., Urquiola, E. 2011. Potential threat of boat traffic for bottlenose dolphins in three special areas for conservation of the Canary Islands. 25th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Cádiz, España, 21-23 marzo de 2011.

Pérez-Gil, E., Castro, J., Esteban, R., Magalhaes, S., Martín, V., Pérez-Gil, M., Tejedor, M., Brito, R., Neves, S., Servidio, A. 2010. Killer whales in the Canary Islands. An observation consistent with hypothesis of the endurance-exhaustion technique proposed by Guinet et al. (2007). 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Alemania, 22-24 marzo de 2010.

Servidio, A., Martín, V., Cañadas, A., Neves, S., Pérez-Gil, M., Pérez-Gil, E., Hammond, P. 2010. Conservation of the short finned pilot whale in SW Tenerife, Canary Islands. 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Alemania, 22-24 marzo de 2010.

Tejedor, M. Martín, V., Arbelo, M. & Espinosa, A. 2010. Insights on the skeleton structure of Kogia breviceps in Canary Islands. XXIV Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Stralsun, Germany. 20-24 March, 2010.

Pérez-Gil, M., Martín, V., Servidio, A., Tejedor, M., Brederlau, B., Brito, R., Varo, N., Neves, S., Pérez, E., Frantzis, A. 2010. Preliminary results of the first census of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in the Canary Archipelago. 24th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Stralsund, Alemania, 22-24 marzo de 2010.

Tejedor, M., Martín, V. Sierra, E. Pérez-Gil, M. y Fernández, A. 2009. Dwarf and pygmy sperm whale in Canary Islands. 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Québec-Canada, del 12 al16 octubre de 2009. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Servidio, A., Martín, V., Cañadas, A., Neves, S., Pérez-Gil, M., Pérez Gil, E., Hammond, P. 2009. Conservation of the short-finned pilot whale in the SW Tenerife, Canary Islands. 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Québec-Canada, del 12 al 16 de octubre 2009. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Pérez-Gil, M., Martín, V., Tejedor, M., Arbelo, M., Fernández, A. 2009. Ship-strikes as a potential growing threat for the sperm whale conservation in the Canary Islands.18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Québec-Canada, del 12 al 16 de octubre de 2009. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Martín, V., Servidio, A., Tejedor, M., Arbelo, M., Brederlau, B., Neves, S., Pérez-Gil, M., Urquiola, E., Pérez Gil, E. Fernández, A. 2009. Cetaceans and conservation in the Canary Islands. 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Québec-Canada, del 12 al 16 de octubre de 2009. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Arbelo, M., Espinosa de los Monteros, A., Herráez, P., Martín, V., Fernández, A. 2009. Pathology and causes of death of cetaceans stranded in Canary Islands (1999-2005). 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Québec-Canada, del 12 al 16 de octubre de 2009. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Cañado, M.M., Servidio, A., Lorenzo, C., Martín, V. 2007. Distribution, frequency and group composition of the oceanic form of the Atlantic Spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) in the Canary Islands. In: Abstracts, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2007. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Servidio, A., Alves, F., Dinis, A., Freitas, L., Martín, V. 2007. First record of movement of short-finned pilot whales between two Atlantic oceanic Archipelagos. In: Abstracts, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2007. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Tejedor, M., Martín, V. 2007. Canary Island Cetacean Reference Collection: a new tool for research and conservation in the central mid Atlantic islands. In: Abstracts, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2007. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Martín, V., Tejedor, M. 2007. Summary results of 20 years of beaked whale strandings in the Canary Islands. In: Abstracts, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2007. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Neves, S., Mathews, J., Servidio, A., Martín, V. 2007. Surface behavior changes in cetaceans of La Gomera – Whale watching interaction. In: Abstracts, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, del 29 de noviembre al 3 de diciembre de 2007. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Pérez, M., Tejedor, M., Martín, V. 2007. Morphology and coloration pattern of the oceanic form of the Atlantic Spotted dolphin in the Canary Islands. In: Abstracts, 17th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Cape Town, South Africa, del 29 noviembre al 3 de diciembre, 2007. Society for Marine Mammalogy.

Guadalupe, V., Buenafuente, S., Martín, I., Militello, C., Martín, V. 2007. The Ziphus cavirostris. Experimental characterization of its lower mandible as a sound wave transmitter. Comparative analysis with other odontocetes. 21St Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastián, España, 22-25 abril de 2007.

Martín, V., Carrillo, M. 2007. Summary results of 20 years of beaked whale strandings in the Canary Islands. Beaked Whale Worshop, 26th abril de 2007. 21St Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastián, España, 22-25 abril de 2007.

Méndez, M., Arbelo, M., Bernaldo de Quirós, Y., Espinosa de los Monteros, A., Martín, V., Fernández, A. 2007. Pathological Study of a Mass Stranding of spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris). 21St Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastián, España 22-25 de abril de 2007.

Martín, V., Pérez, M. 2007. Morphology and coloration pattern of the oceanic form of the Atlantic spotted dolphin in the Canary Islands. 21St Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Sebastián, España 22-25 de abril 2007.

Jaber, J.R., Arbelo, M., Castro, P., Martín V., Gallardo T., Fernández, A. 2006. New Beaked Whales Mass Stranding in the Canary Islands Associated with Naval Exercises (Majestic Eagle 2004). 20th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Gdynia, Polonia, 2-7 de abril de 2006.

Magnet, M., Brederlau, B., Hildebrandt, S., Servidio, A., Martín, V. 2006. Observations of Rough-toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis) behaviour in La Gomera (Canary Islands). 20th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Gdynia, Polonia, 2-7 de abril de 2006.

Brederlau, B., Megnet, M., Servidio, A., Martin, V. 2006. The Extraordinary Abundance of Bryde’s Whale during 2005 in the Southwest of La Gomera (Canary Islands). 20th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Gdynia, Polonia, 2-7 de abril de 2006.

Servidio, A., Martin, V., Lorenzo, C., Hildebrandt, S., Peña, A., Talavera, S., García, S., 2006. Distribution and Movements of Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in the Canary Islands. 20th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Gdynia, Polonia 2-7 abril de 2006.

Servidio, A., Martin, V., Lorenzo, C., Hildebrandt, S., Peña, A., Talavera, S., García, S., 2005. Distribution and Movements of Short-finned Pilot Whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in the Canary Islands. 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. San Diego California, USA, 12-16 de diciembre de 2005.

Peña, A., Martín, V., Servidio, A., Lorenzo, C., Hildebrandt, S. 2005. Structure of the Cetacean Community of an Oceanic Island: La Gomera, Canary Islands. 16th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals. San Diego California, USA, 12-16 de diciembre de 2005.

Fernández, A., Castro., Martín, V., Gallardo, T., Arbelo, M. 2004. New beaked whale mass stranding in Canary islands associated with naval military exercises (Magestic Eagle 2004)? Report of an international worshop: Policy on sound and marine mammals. Londres, Inglaterra, 28-30 septiembre 2004.

Fernández, A., Arbelo, M., Degollada, E., André, M., Castro-Alonso, A., Jaber, R., Martín, V., Calabuig, P., Castro, P., Herraez, P., Rodríguez, F., Espinosa de los Monteros, A. 2003. Pathological findings in beaked whales stranded massively in the Canary Islands (2002). 17th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 9-13 marzo 2003.

Hildebrandt, S., Afonso, J.M., Martín, V., López-Jurado, L.F. 2003. Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Canary Islands. 17th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 9-13 marzo 2003.

Martín, V., García, S., Servidio, A. 2003. Distribution and frequency of cetaceans around Gran Canaria island. 17th Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 9-13 marzo 2003.

Martín, V. 2003. The Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) from the Canary Islands: an oceanic form from the atlantic islands? 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Martín, V. 2003. Study of a community of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Gran Canaria Island. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Fernández, A., Arvelo, M., Degollada, E., André, M., Castro-Alonso, A., Jaber, R., Martín, V., Calabuig, P., Castro, P., Herraez, P., Rodríguez, F., Espinosa de los Monteros, A. 2003. Pathological findings in beaked whales stranded massively in the Canary Islands. Conferencia Atlántica de Medioambiente. III Jornadas Medioambientales de Fuerteventura. Pájara, Fuerteventura de 25-28 abril de 2003.

Calabuig, P., Martín, V. 2003. Aggressive behaviour in a wild bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with the result of a woman´s death in Canary islands. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Calabuig, P., Martín, V. 2003. Marine mammals recovery in Gran Canaria island during 2001. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Martín, V. 2003. Mass strandings of beaked whales in the Canary Islands. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Fernández, A., Arvelo, M., Degollada, E., André, M., Castro-Alonso, R., Jaber, R., V. Martín, V., Calabuig, P., Castro, P., Herráez, P., Rodríguez, F., Espinosa de los Monteros, A. 2003. Pathological findings in beaked whales stranded massively in the Canary Islands. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Hildebrant, S., Alonso, J.M., Martín, V., López-Jurado, L.F. 2003. Mitochondrial DNA diversity of the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Canary Islands. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Martín, V. Mass strandings of beaked whales in the Canary Islands. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Calabuig, P., Martín, V. 2003. Agresive behavior in a wild bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with results of die in a woman in the Canary Islands. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La Cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Martín, V., S. García., Servidio, A. 2003. Distribution and frequency of cetaceans around Gran Canaria Island. 31st Annual Symposium of European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Celebrado del 14 al 17 de marzo de 2003 en el Loro Parque, Puerto de La cruz, Tenerife, Islas Canarias.

Servidio, A., Martín, V., Boran, J. 2002. Short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) in Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. 16th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liege, Bélgica, 7-11 de abril de 2002.

García, S., Martín, V., López-Jurado, L.F. 2002. Risso´s Dolphin (Grampus Griseus) in the eastern of the Canary Islands. 16th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Liege, Bélgica, 7-11 de abril de 2002.

Servidio, A., Martín, V. 2001. Distribuzione e fotoidentificazione del Globicephalo di Gray (Globicephala macrorhynchus) nelle acque di Gran Canaria. 5º Convegno nazionale sui cetacei e sulle tartarughe marine. Centro didáctico di biología marina, comune di monte argentario (GR), 6-9 diciembre de 2001.

García, S., Martín, V., López-Jurado, L.F. 2001. Distribución, abundancia, uso del habitat y comportamiento social de Grampus Griseus en el Norte de Gran Canaria. I Simposium de la Sociedad Española de Cetáceos, Ceuta, 23-27 febrero 2000.

Urquiola, E., E. Martín, V., Iani. V. 1999. Whale watching, pilot whales and bottlenose dolphins in the Canary Islands: a sustainable activity? 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de abril de 1999. Página 138.

Martín, V., Carrillo, M., López-Jurado, L.F. 1999. Bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus stranded in the Canary Islands. 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de abril de 1999. Página 248.

Carrillo, M., Martín, V. 1999. First sighting of Gervais´ beaked whale (Mesoplodon europaeus Gervais, 1855) (Cetacea; Ziphiidae) from the North oriental Atlantic coast. 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de abril de 1999. Página 180.

Lázaro, F., Martín, V. 1999. Sperm whales and drifting nets in the mediterranean sea: the example of the Balearic Islands. 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de abril de 1999. Página 118.

Lázaro, F., Martín, V. 1999. Cetaceans of the Balearic Islands. 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de Abril 1999. Página 242.

Martín, V. 1999. Cuvier´s beaked whales Ziphius cavirostris Cuvier, 1823 (Cetacea; Ziphiidae) in the Canary Archipelago. 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de abril 1999. Página 248.

Martín, V. 1999. A new approach to the coloration patterns of the Cuvier´s beaked whale. 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de abril de 1999. Página 389.

Martín, V. 1999. Incidence of the cookiecutter shark Isistius brasiliensis (Quoy & Gaimard, 1824) in the Cuvier´s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris). Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Valencia, España, 5-8 de Abril de 1999. Página 438.

Fernández, A., González, J., Real, F., Martín, V., Rodríguez, F., Herráez, P., André. M., Gómez-Tejedor. C., Tarazona. J.V., Sánchez-Vizcaíno, J.M.A. 1998. Pathological Study of Cetacean Stranded in the Canary Islands during 1996. Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 20-24 de enero de 1998, Monaco. 351.

Martín, V., Iani, V., Schweikert, F. 1998. Cetacean sighted in the Canary Islands during the CAREMEX expedition (January-April 1997). Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 20-24 de enero de 1998, Monaco. 77.

Martín, V. 1996. Opportunistic feeding behaviour by Minque whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) in association with sardine purse seine fishery operations in Garnet´s bay, Nort-Western Sahara. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Lisboa, Portugal, 11-13 marzo de 1996.

Martín, V. 1996. Diurnal activity patterns and behaviour in the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) of the SW coast Tenerife, Canary Islands. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Lisboa, Portugal, 11-13 marzo. 1996.

Heimlich-Boram, J., Heimlich-Boram, S., Martín, V., Montero, R. 1996. Social ecology of short-finned Pilot Whales off Tenerife, Canary Islands. II Symposium Fauna y Flora of the Atlantic Islands. 12-16 de febrero de 1996. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Hernández-García, V., Martín, V. 1996. Food habits of the pygmy sperm whale Kogia breviceps (de Blainville, 1838) bases on stranded animals in the Canary Islands. II Symposium Fauna y Flora of the Atlantic Islands. 12-16 de febrero de 1996. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Martín, V., Santiago-Medina, J.A. 1996. Acoustic behaviour of the short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) off the SW coast Tenerife, Canary Islands. II Symposium Fauna y Flora of the Atlantic Islands. 12-16 de febrero de 1996. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Montero, R., Martín, V., Heimlich-Boram, J., Heimlich-Boram, S. 1993. Ecological Impact of boats on a population of short-finned pilot whale (Globicephala macrorhynchus) from Tenerife. Tenth Biennial conference of the biology of Marine Mammals. Noviembre 11-15, Galveston, Texas, USA.

Montero, R., Martín, V. 1992. First account of the biology of Cuvier´s beaked whale Ziphius cavirostris in the Canary Islands. Sixth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Remo, Italia. 97-99.

Martín, V., Montero, R., Heimlich-Boram, J., Heimlich-Boram, S. 1992. Preliminary observations of the cetological fauna from the Canary Islands. Sixth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, San Remo, Italia. 97-99.

Raga, J.A., Abril, E., Balbuena, J.A., Martín, V. 1991. Una nueva especie del género Zalaphotrema (Digenea: campullidae). VI Congreso Nacional de Parasitología y I Congreso Ibérico de parasitología, 25-29 septiembre 1989. Cáceres, España.

Martín, V., Vonk, R., Montero, R., Escorza, S. 1990. Pygmy sperm whales Kogia breviceps on the Canary Islands. Fourth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Palma de Mallorca, España. 61-65.

Martín, V., Vonk, R., Escorza, S., Montero, R. 1990. Records of Gervais´ beaked whale Mesoplodon europaeus on the Canary Islands. Fourth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Palma de Mallorca, España.

Vonk, R. y Martín, V. 1990. First record of the Fraser´s dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) in the Canary Islands. Fourth Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Palma de Mallorca, España. 70.4

Vonk, R. y Martín, V. 1989. Goose beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) mass strandings in the Canary Islands. Third Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, La Rochelle, Francia. 73-77.

Vonk, R. y Martín, V. 1988. First list of odontocetes from the Canary Islands. Second Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Setubal, Portugal. 31-36.