Biological study of the cetaceans of the Canary Islands through standed specimens

The objective of the BIOCETCAN project (Biological study of the Canary cetaceans through stranded specimens) is the understanding of fundamental aspects of the biology of the Canary cetaceans through the analysis of stranded cetaceans during the period 1980-2016. The cetaceans that stranded on the coasts constitute a scientific information resource about basic aspects of the biology of these species such as morphology, colour pattern, feeding, reproduction, growth and development, relationships or the genetic identity of the populations. The material collected after studying the stranded animals (tissue samples, osteological remains, stomach contents, associated organisms, etc.) create the Macaronesia Biological Reference Collection of Cetaceans (CBRCM). This information has important implications for the conservation of these species. Another objective of the project is to know the stranding patterns for each of the species involved (frequency, distribution, seasonality, sex, age classes involved).

The specific objectives of the project are:

The biology of the Canary cetaceans and feeding habits through the study of stomach contents and creation of a reference collection of prey, especially jaws of cephalopods (beaks), crustaceans and otoliths.

The trophic position through stable isotopes and fatty acids.

The genetic structure and identity.

The degree of development through the study of the determination of age and skeleton.

Creation of a tool for the identification and osteological study of cetaceans in the Macaronesia subregion (CETOTAXON project).



Determination of the biology and ecology of cetaceans in the Canary Islands through strandings, integration of information derived from scientific campaigns at sea, and maintenance and digitization of the Biological Reference Collection of Cetaceans of Macaronesia (CBRCM) (BIOCETCAN PROJECT)



In the Canary Islands, 31 species of cetaceans belonging to 7 families, mostly oceanic, rare, and poorly known, have been reported. Stranded cetaceans constitute a relevant information resource for the conservation of these species.
SECAC has been involved for 30 years in the biological study of stranded cetaceans in the Canary Islands and oversees the Biological Reference Collection of Cetaceans of Macaronesia (CBRCM), the product of scientific monitoring carried out by the entity. The BIOCETCAN project is subsidized by the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change, and Territorial Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands (ORDEN_Nº_111_2023_CONCESIÓN SUBV CETACEOS – SECAC.pdf y boc-a-2023-099-1623-Plan de subvenciones 10052023.pdf) and aims to understand fundamental aspects of the biology and ecology of cetaceans in the Canary Islands through the analysis of stranded specimens, integration of information derived from scientific campaigns at sea, as well as the update, digitization, and dissemination of the Biological Reference Collection of Cetaceans of Macaronesia through 3 specific objectives, 8 actions, and 22 interventions. The BIOCETCAN project will last for 24 months and is justified based on the species studied and their threat category, the biological and ecological information that will contribute to conservation plans and improved management of protected species, the identification of threats, and the analysis of the impact of different anthropogenic pressures on cetacean populations in the Canary Islands. The BIOCETCAN project will employ methodologies, analytical techniques, and transferable and replicable tools in other regions.
This information is necessary for the proper conservation and management and will help in the proper implementation of programs such as the Habitats Directive or the EU Marine Strategy in the Macaronesian region. The results and knowledge gained in the BIOCETCAN project will contribute to the Ministry of Ecological Transition, Fight against Climate Change, and Territorial Planning of the Government of the Canary Islands improving planning and management instruments for activities that may conflict with cetacean conservation, considering biological and ecological considerations, improving governance, and addressing challenges in the blue growth agenda through the application of an ecosystem approach.


Project Name: Determination of the biology and ecology of cetaceans in the Canary Islands.


Number of Specific Objectives: 3.

Number of Actions: 8.

Number of Interventions: 22.

Duration: 24 months.

Budget: 240,000.00 euros.



Understanding fundamental aspects of the biology and ecology of cetaceans in the Canary Islands through the analysis of stranded specimens, integration of information derived from campaigns at sea, as well as updating, digitizing, and disseminating the Biological Reference Collection of Cetaceans of Macaronesia (CBRCM) in order to address relevant aspects for the conservation and management of these species and their populations that contribute to
conservation plans and strategies.




  • OBJECTIVE 1. Analysis of the main parameters of the biology and ecology of stranded cetaceans in the Canary Islands and the retrospective study of trends in stranding patterns in the archipelago and associated covariates.


  • OBJECTIVE 2. Updating of population information for the Ziphiidae, Kogiidae families, the Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus), the rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis), and the Bryde's whale (Balaenoptera edeni) in the Canary Islands through the retrospective analysis of SECAC information and the development of sea campaigns in the LIC-ESZZ15002 to deepen scientific knowledge of these species and assess their conservation status.


  • OBJECTIVE 3. Update, maintenance, digitization, and dissemination of theBiological Reference Collection of Cetaceans of Macaronesia (CBRCM).